Database Basics: Data Types and Formatting

04/08/2024 11:00 AM By Candice D.

This is the second in a series of articles and videos about database applications. You can see the first article here about Modules, Records, and Fields. Today's article takes the next step and looks at specific types of data. 

Data Types and Formatting in Your Database

There are 5 basic data types used in almost every online database application. They are: Text, Number, Decimal, Boolean, and DateTime.

  • Text values may contain any sequence of alphanumeric characters as well as spaces and special characters.

  • Number values must be expressed as whole numbers, and do not contain any alphabetical or special characters.

  • Decimal values contain more precise numerical data, allowing for fractional amounts to be represented.

  • Boolean values are either True or False.

  • DateTime values may include information about the day of the year, time of day, and time zone. Most database applications give you the option to format these DateTime values in various ways, according to your preference.

Data types are not to be confused with field types. 

Field types are a feature offered by database applications to enhance user experience and ensure data is formatted properly. For example, Zoho CRM offers field types for Email, Phone Number, Address, and Pick List. These field types all contain the same data type: Text. The difference between them is that they have different formatting rules, so that you cannot accidentally enter a phone number into an email field, or vise versa.  Selecting the appropriate field type allows users to ensure proper data formatting, for different sub-categories of data within the same data type. 

Data Types and Your Reporting

Data type and formatting become especially important when developing reports and analytics.  Date or Time values must be formatted consistently to chart trends in your data over time. Number and decimal data can be calculated into aggregate formulas to track important metrics in real time. 

Boolean and text values can act as filters for a report, enabling you to measure highly specific subsets of your database. Multiple fields that have the same data type and format can be represented on the same axis of a chart, or in the same column of a report.

It's always a good idea to begin with the end in mind. When you are making a new field in a database application, ask yourself what is being measured and why. Then you'll be able to choose the correct data type and field type to generate the reports and analytics you need.

Next time, we'll discuss Lookup fields, Related lists, and how relationships are established between modules.

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