Blog categorized as Zoho

Database Basics: Automation Rules
Automation rules are a powerful feature of database applications allowing businesses to reduce work
05/30/2024 07:12 AM - Comment(s)
Database Basics: Parent and Child Relationships
Data Relationships in your database system: What is Parent and Child?
05/08/2024 07:44 AM - Comment(s)
Database Basics: Lookup Fields and Related Lists
Understand Data Relationships in your database: Lookup Fields and Related Lists
04/28/2024 01:52 PM - Comment(s)
Database Basics: Data Types and Formatting
There are 5 basic data types used in almost every online database application.
04/08/2024 11:00 AM - Comment(s)
Database Basics: Modules, Records, and Fields
Understanding Modules, Records, and Fields in a databased system such as Zoho CRM
04/01/2024 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
Video: Automate and Track Lead Engagement
Our community requested more explainer videos to support our fellow Zoho users. These videos help with automating and tracking Leads.
02/07/2024 08:55 AM - Comment(s)
Smart CRM Workflows for Client Nurturing
Increase sales, nurture client relationships, and reduce your marketing budget with CRM Workflows
01/08/2024 07:55 AM - Comment(s)
An Overview of Zoho Analytics
Zoho Analytics is a powerful cloud-based data analytics platform that allows your business to gather data from multiple sources to analyze it. This is a powerful business intelligence platform
11/28/2023 07:49 AM - Comment(s)
Zoho Forms for CRM Maintenance
This article includes both strategy and specific how-to steps for keeping your CRM database clean using Zoho Forms
01/04/2023 07:49 AM - Comment(s)